Monday, January 14, 2008


frontal plane - pertaining to the forehead.
sagittal plane - A plane or section that divides a structure into right and left portion.
transverse plane - At right angles to the long axis of a part; crosswise.
medial - Toward or near the midline.
superficial - near the surface.
superior - pertaining to a structure that is higher than another structure.
inferanterior - Pertaining to the front.
posterior - Toward the back; opposite of anterior.
distal - farther from the midline or orgin; opposite of proximal.
proximal - Closer to the midline or orgin; opposite of distal.
ior - Situated below something else; pertaining to the lower surface of a part.
flexion - Bending at a joint to decrease the angle between bones.
xtension - Movement increasing the angle between parts at a joint.
pronation - Movement of the palm downward or backward.
supine - lying on the back, face or front upward.
abduction - Movement of a body part away away from the midline.
adduction - Movement of a body part toward the midline
circumduction - Movement of a body part, such as a limb, so that the end follows a circular path. inversion - Movent in which the sole of the foot i sturned inward.
eversion - Outward turning movement of the sole of the foot.
elevation - Upward movement of a part of the body.
depression - Downward displacement.
anatomical position - A body postture with the body erect, the face forward, the arms at the sides with the palms facing forward, and the toes pointing straight ahead.
dorsal -pertaining to the back
ventral - Pertaining to the front and anterior
interior - further toward a center
exterior - being on the outer side
peripheral - pertaining to parts located near the surface or toward the outside.
lateral - pertaining to th eside.